Your Career Your Life - Reader Comments:
What I like, is that it assists those who have higher education as well as giving valuable emotional tools to those who are the potential Richard Bransons of the world.
The advice you gave me really touched me and really boosted my morale and spirits and your book has really set me up for success in any career I choose. You are truly an amazing woman and take the word dynamic to the next level, you are empathetic, kind, warm hearted and just so easy to talk to. I really just wanted to take the time out to let you know what an impact you have had on my life. May God bless you in everything you do and may you continue to inspire people in the same way that you have inspired me.
I have given a copy to our HR Manager and have recommended it to two workmates. I have suggested that the entire HR Team are bought the book. On Monday I will be giving a copy to our Commercial Director. This book can change South Africa. Stay well. The journey is starting.
I read the book in three days, and each day progressed immensely - even from going blonde to red! I am an out of the box thinker, creative, up to date. I dream big and aim high. Your book could change South Africa. You should be in every company as a textbook/workbook. Our HR Manager is looking for a day of teambuilding as they move into a new project. I am going to suggest each member of the HR Dept. gets a copy of the book - and I am photocopying chapters to give to the MD and CD. It is better than The Secret, it should be featured on Oprah - I think you are absolutely amazing.
Thank you for the gift you sowed into me through the book, its a keep. I trust that wherever I go it will always be the key to my success in my career.
I have been engrossed, captivated and inspired by your book! I would like to give your book as a gift, to each candidate that starts with a new employer. Can you please tell me if there is a specific place that I need to order the book, or alternative if I can place orders via a normal bookshops?
Awesome book!! I have bought many books over the last few years and this remains my favourite. Think of ANY career or life situation and this book addresses it. It is by far the most holistic book I've ever read. I recommend it whether you are feeling stuck in your career or simply want to move your good career to the next level. I confidently say that it's one of those books that will never go out of date.
Ich will für meine Kinder nur das Beste - und dieses Buch habe ich für sie gekauft. Wie wird man ein besserer, charaktervollerer und erfolgreicherer Mensch? Wie stärkt man sein Selbstbewusstsein und schafft es, auf der Karriereleiter weiter nach oben zu klettern? „Your Career, Your Life“ zeigt in nachvollziehbaren Schritten auf, wie man das ohne Ellbogeneinsatz erreicht. Das Buch ist lebensnah und lebendig geschrieben, die Autorin greift auf einen reichen Erfahrungsschatz im Umgang mit der Karriereentwicklung von Fachkräften zurück. Man spürt bei jeder Zeile, die man liest, dass hier ein Profi am Werk war, der sein Herzblut in dieses Buch gelegt hat und relevante Ratschläge mit Tiefgang erteilt. Manchmal verblüffend einfach, aber so wahr. Ein außergewöhnlich wertvolles Buch, das jedem jungen (und älteren) Menschen zugänglich gemacht werden sollte.
I can only recommend this, especially for those new to the job market.
I loooove "Your Career Your Life". I don't read any book more than once, but I keep referring to this one in my career because of it's use of everyday examples, everyday people and it's realistic approach. It's not "preachy", it's practical.
What an inspiring book, so true to life, with real guidance! It makes you a stronger, better, more successful and happier person.
Your book is without a doubt the BEST book in this genre that I have ever read. The way you write just makes it so simple to understand but also so easy to apply! Thank you for this gift!!! We have created voluntary workgroups where we meet once a week either at 07:30 or at 17:00 to work through that week’s chapter together – I am LOVING every page!! Your book is without a doubt the BEST book in this genre that I have ever read. The way you write just makes it so simple to understand but also so easy to apply! Thank you for this gift!!!
I have began following the book and I have found it so, so, so, applicable; especially in its ability to have one focus or re-focus on what we want from a career and life perspective. It provides a template to life and work that near as dammit to bulletproof…
I got started on your book last night and I couldn’t put it down. You’ve done such a good job with it, it flows so beautifully. Honestly, I can’t wait to pick it up again, it’s so honest, positive and inspiring.
While reading your thoughts on having a presence yesterday, it really hit home for me that I have lost interest in my wardrobe, overall appearance, professional level of communication etc and have already started to make improvements today.
I just know that your book will be a success and will make an impact in many people’s lives. I am really enjoying reading it thus far…
…your wonderful book, which is very easy to read and unencumbered by technical and high brow jargon, but plain and down to earth, easily understandable by even the less learned. Were on earth did you dig up all those pertinent quotes?
Where were you when I could have taken your advice? Instead I had to get there by trial (very hard) and error, but all paths led me to this, my last and happiest job.
…I wish I had such a wonderful book to guide me when I was young…I have already passed on some information from your book to my friend’s son….
What we are going to do is buy several more copies of the book and then make them available to all our staff within the various departments. I think that it is important to hand people the information that can empower them to achieve greater heights within their work and private lives. I think that it is important that people understand the impact they have each day of their is not good when one reflects on the reasons for failure and not understand that they could have created a alternative outcome in not on but all situations.
I wanted to tell you in person how fantastic Your Career, Your Life is! I have read it from start to finish and it is so inspiring. All I want to do is read it again so I can take in more of its practical, do-able advice. It’s easy to follow, amusing and I love the real-life examples to illustrate the points. It’s very rooted in contemporary SA culture, very “young” in its approach, with no condescension at all, despite your vast experience. You give great advice and practical suggestions for careers, but the points are also relevant to the rest of our lives and have made me start rethinking all sorts of things. I am not a self-help book fan by any means (I am way too cynical) but I am completely motivated by your words and have gone home with a smile on my face the last few nights, determined to make changes in my life. If we instituted some of her advice at our company, or got you to come in and speak to us, I think the whole company could learn so much from you. I am very excited and just wanted to share that with you!
I have started reading it and have taken the first step of joining our company’s public speaking initiative to improve my presentation and communications skills. It is indeed a fantastic book and it has made me review my career and aspirations of having my own business one day. I realized that I felt comfortable and forgot about pressing on for my goal. I recommended the book to my colleagues and I hope they will buy it, especially if they notice change in me.
I got started on your book last night and I couldn’t put it down. You’ve done such a good job with it, it flows so beautifully. Honestly, I can’t wait to pick it up again, it’s so honest, positive and inspiring.
I am half through reading your book and loving it. I have read several books on corporate guidance and models for success. These were mostly American and I have to say, that your book was the one that I can best relate to. You are speaking a language that I understand (I don't mean that literally). There are so many instances in my current situation that make absolute sense with what you say…
Now let me share what has happened to me over the past 2 weeks… (I can only assume that your book has had some kind of impact on me somehow)
· I have suddenly started feeling a lot more comfortable in “golf” attire. Meaning smarter shorts with a tucked in golf shirt.
· Embarrassingly enough… I have had a hair cut, and try to shave more often.
· I am suddenly very eager to do anything at work that the boss requests, rather than “leave it for another day” or get the PA to follow it up. I am even doing things out of my own initiative, rather than just doing what is requested of me.
· Today, at 16h00 when I would usually be packing up to go home, I left the office to “volunteering-ly” go check up on our building sites… which are in the opposite direction to home….
…I have read a few more chapters… it was rather funny when I reached the end of the first Quarter the goals that you mentioned would start happening in my life, the changes within the work place, and the changes in my attitude. What made me laugh so much was that it was almost as if you had written it after reading my letter to you!
I just know that your book will be a success and will make an impact in many people’s lives. I am really enjoying reading it thus far…
…your wonderful book, which is very easy to read and unencumbered by technical and high brow jargon, but plain and down to earth, easily understandable by even the less learned. Were on earth did you dig up all those pertinent quotes?
…Where were you when I could have taken your advice? Instead I had to get there by trial (very hard) and error, but all paths led me to this, my last and happiest job.
…I wish I had such a wonderful book to guide me when I was young…I have already passed on some information from your book to my friend’s son….
I have purchased your book and cannot put it down… I love the inspiration and motivation I receive from it or should I say from you
Your book totally rocks and I hope I can fly soon.
… she lent me Annette’s book to read which I found absolutely fascinating!!
I bought one of your books and I must say I am amazed. Career management was one of my subjects, HR being my speciality, and I had been expecting something in that vein. What a pleasant surprise – your approach is human, authentic. It contains so much insight and practical, workable advice – enough for a lifetime! I’m recommending it to friends and colleagues, and it would be best if they all had their own copies. Where can we get more?
Wow. Annette has really written quite a book. I was impressed by its logical and easy to follow format, the many stories and quotes and how she takes the reader through a step by step process of self discovery. She has a wonderful talent for pulling together the thoughts, ideas and inspiration of so many great people (including herself and you) and weaving it throughout her practical narrative.
I was reading your book last night on the Opportunity Theory and it’s so funny because everything that it speaks about is what is currently going on within me at work. I had an Aha! Moment while I was reading it. I want to actually thank you for writing this book, it’s so insightful, and all the highs and lows that you speak about are exactly what I go through or have gone through in the past. I’ve always been good at recognising / acknowledging that I have a problem but I’ve never known HOW to actually solve it, whether it be personal or professional. I just love that your book really gets in touch with what one should do in these situations and what change needs to happen to make things right. Thanks so much
Ein rundum empfehlenswertes Buch, welches einem besonders in schwierigen beruflichen Zeiten viel gute Hilfe leistet! Danke Annette Kinnear für dieses gelungene Buch. Ich werde es mir demnächst zum zweiten Mal vornehmen.
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